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This function aggregates individual mental models in an mtoolr object. If a grouping variable (eg. a column "likes_cycling" added to the object, see `add_user_data()`) is supplied and a grouping value (eg. "yes") is supplied, only mental models of this group are aggregated (so only the mental models of users who like cycling). Currently, models are aggregated using the median value of edge weights to establish edges and edge weight.


  aggregate_function = "median",
  group_var = NULL,
  group_value = NULL



A mtoolr object


Currently, this defaults to the median value.


A character string giving a (preferably factor) variable in the user data to group by (eg. "likes_cycling").


A value in group_var to match by (eg. "yes")


An aggregated mtoolr object


# aggregate all models in example data
#> # A tibble: 103 × 3
#>    From                       To                               Weight
#>    <chr>                      <chr>                             <dbl>
#>  1 Carbon capture and storage Climate compensation                  2
#>  2 Carbon capture and storage Energy transition                     2
#>  3 Climate compensation       Carbon capture and storage            2
#>  4 Climate compensation       Electrics cars                        1
#>  5 Climate compensation       Energy efficient home appliances      1
#>  6 Climate compensation       Energy efficient houses               1
#>  7 Climate compensation       Energy transition                     2
#>  8 Climate compensation       Hydropower                            1
#>  9 Climate compensation       Nuclear power                         1
#> 10 Climate compensation       Science                               1
#> # … with 93 more rows
#> IGRAPH 15d2063 DNW- 17 103 -- 
#> + attr: name (v/c), Weight (e/n), weight (e/n)
#> + edges from 15d2063 (vertex names):
#> [1] Carbon capture and storage->Climate compensation            
#> [2] Carbon capture and storage->Energy transition               
#> [3] Climate compensation      ->Carbon capture and storage      
#> [4] Climate compensation      ->Electrics cars                  
#> [5] Climate compensation      ->Energy efficient home appliances
#> [6] Climate compensation      ->Energy efficient houses         
#> [7] Climate compensation      ->Energy transition               
#> [8] Climate compensation      ->Hydropower                      
#> + ... omitted several edges
# simulate user data to add
user_df <- data.frame(id = example_models$user_data$id,var = rnorm(length(example_models$user_data$id)))
user_df$group <- ifelse(user_df$var > 0, "group1","group2")
# add user data
example_models <- example_models |> add_user_data(user_data = user_df,id_key = "id")
# aggregate by group
agg_model_group1 <- aggregate_mentalmodel(example_models,group_var = "group",group_value = "group1")
#> # A tibble: 63 × 3
#>    From                             To                               Weight
#>    <chr>                            <chr>                             <dbl>
#>  1 Carbon capture and storage       Energy transition                   2  
#>  2 Climate compensation             Carbon capture and storage          2  
#>  3 Climate compensation             Energy efficient home appliances    1  
#>  4 Climate compensation             Energy efficient houses             1  
#>  5 Climate compensation             Energy transition                   1.5
#>  6 Climate compensation             Hydropower                          1  
#>  7 Electrics cars                   Energy saving                       2  
#>  8 Electrics cars                   Energy transition                   2  
#>  9 Energy efficient home appliances Energy saving                       2  
#> 10 Energy efficient home appliances Energy transition                   2.5
#> # … with 53 more rows
#> IGRAPH c0f6c93 DNW- 17 63 -- 
#> + attr: name (v/c), Weight (e/n), weight (e/n)
#> + edges from c0f6c93 (vertex names):
#> [1] Carbon capture and storage      ->Energy transition               
#> [2] Climate compensation            ->Carbon capture and storage      
#> [3] Climate compensation            ->Energy efficient home appliances
#> [4] Climate compensation            ->Energy efficient houses         
#> [5] Climate compensation            ->Energy transition               
#> [6] Climate compensation            ->Hydropower                      
#> [7] Electrics cars                  ->Energy saving                   
#> [8] Electrics cars                  ->Energy transition               
#> + ... omitted several edges